As a natural science minded person ABUI draws his experiences from previous engagements from the field of agriculture and animal science , he started his career in Baraka agriculture college in Molo Kenya where he first acquired a certificate in sustainable agriculture and rural development.
During this time Abui was able acquire knowledge and skills relevant to sustainable use of natural resources recognizing the Earth summit on sustainable development and Millennium Development Goals (MDG). With these combined Abui was able to work with and share his skills of improving both crops and animal productivity and also value addition to the farm produce with an aim of improving the market for such produce among the small scale producers as a means to developing their small scale economics within their limited means.
Abui 2004 also extended his hand to the Shona Artists in Chivu Zimbabwe on invitation from from KUSH an American based holistic community development organization, at that time he worked with the Shona artists in conceptualizing the thematic and craftsmanship required for stone sculptures that tell the story of war and the problems in the Sudan, on other hand also handling the proposed plans for a food security project for the Shona artisans with their immediate families and community of Chivu.
Abui later that year moved down to Capetown South Africa where he was also engaged in development of a sunflower project for South Sudan Sunflower and Sesame as vital oil crops for the country.
Since then Abui’s dreams have evolved around playing a ROLE ( Revitalizing Organic Livelihood for Empowerment) in South Sudan to begin with and the continent as a whole, an idea that was well received as an idea of Organic revolution by other Southern African colleagues from Zimbabwe, Mozambique and other Provinces of the Republic of South Africa during his pursuit for Bsc degree in Agriculture Science from the University of South Africa.
Abui after implementing some of his thoughts and projects such as poultry production for domestic consumption and animal feed formulation for the South Sudanese Abui later found it fitting to explore a career in Leather industry where he attended a course from the International School of Tanning Technology (ISTT) in Grahamstown South Africa earning a Certificate as a Tanning Technician.
Abui Alfred is currently pursuing a necessary plat form for establishment of a Tannery in South Sudan capable of producing, leather products such as hand bags, Shoes, Belts, Jackets from the locally available Hides and Skins in South Sudan with involvement of youth and women.
Some of the wide variety of our works
in the pursuit to achieve our mission.
The process of drying the leather using air and chemicals
before it is crafted into the different materials.
Different leather textures that were worked on by our CEO himself.
Perfectly Crafted work.
These are drums that are used to process
leather during
the leather tanning process.